Sunday, November 30, 2008


Just a quick report on our Thanksgiving.  On Thanksgiving eve we went bowling.  Tonia and Jeanne, do you remember bowling on Thanksgiving Eve in Preston Idaho???  We have missed the last few years and decided to rekindle that family tradition.  On Thanksgiving Day Dad cooked turkey and all the trimmings.  We had dinner at our house with our very dear friends, Rich and Patti.  It was a wonderful day.  We put up our tree and have enjoyed the weekend being together.  We ran into Penni's cousin, LaBretta and her husband Ryan who used to live in Logan.  It was good to see them  There is a new link on our blog to their family blog.  If you get a chance pop over to see what they are up to.  We also added music to our blog.  We missed you all a ton and wish that we could be together.  There will come a time when that will be possible.  Here are a few pics from bowling with one video clip of Ellee Jo.  You will have to turn sideways to see it but I thought it was cute.  Love you all.  Have a great week.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Keira's Chrstmas

Keira is part of your family, Tonia.  That means that Jeanne and Chad are including Keira with your family.  You can give one "family" gift or a gift for each.    Jae and Ellee Jo count as a "family" even though they are not married yet.  So Mom and I can choose to give one gift to Jeanne and Chad's "family" or we can give two gifts, one to Jeanne and one to Chad.  Jeanne and Chad can give one gift to Tonia and Doug's "family" or they can give one gift to Doug and Tonia and one gift to Keira, or they can give each of them a gift.  We nee to decide on a $$$ cap that can be spent on each family/person.  What do you all think?

hi all

you are for getting keira who has her for x miss

Friday, November 28, 2008

Christmas Gift Exchange

Those of us involved in this years gift exchange, remember we are going down the list of family members.

Mom and Dad
have Jeanne and Chad who
have Tonia and Doug who
have Jaelyn who
has Ellee Jo who
have Mom and Dad!

Get it??

Depending where everyone is with work and life we would like to plan another get together in January at Boise.  Stay tuned!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Keira and Tonia spent the day with us. Here are some pictures I took. I like your stories and pictures Ellee. Sorry your team didn't make it to state Jae. Love you all.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


we are still working sleeping and working some more. Chad and I have talked to the bishop and we have figured out that we will not be going to the temple for three months. so we dont have to hurry anything along. We are still teaching in primary and loving it the kids make us laugh alot and they have crazy imaginations it is great. I still dont have any idea about my job at the begining of the year and we are not sure if Chad is going to leave for the winter or not. oh and Keira is way cute

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

just dropped in to say hi

hi everyone i just dropped in to say hi and did you see my school stuff 

Lost Cat!

Lost Cat by Ellee Jo

Once upon a time there was a dog named Skidder and a cat named King Noah and me. It was dark outside and it was cold outside. One night I took my dog for a walk and I accidently left the door open. My cat went to find me
and she gets lost. 

When I get home I see the door open and I try to find her. I get scared. I start to cry. I cry to my Dad he gets his flashlight and we went out and we looked for her. We found her in a neighbors yard and we took her home.
The End

More of Ellee Jo

Fun Days At School

I love School.
School is fun.
At recess we run, run, run, run in the 
sparkling sun.

We read and study all night.
We never, ever, ever fight.
We are almost always right.

Ellee Jo's Weekend

This is one of Ellee projects she has been working on in school.

Let me tell you about my weekend.  To begin with I went to a volleyball game.  I watched Jaelyn play and I caught the ball.  When they played my sister won the championship.  Next, I went to church in Pasco.  We sung songs and learned about Jesus.  Clearly, I had a fun weekend.

By Ellee Jo

Scary Halloween

Ellee Jo gave neighbors a scare as she went out in search of treats!!

Welcome Keira Edwards

It's hard to believe that no one has made the announcement!  Keira Edwards was born in the afternoon of 11/07/2008!  We are so glad that you are here and can't wait to see you.